Monday, February 8, 2016

Acid Base Titration Lab 1

Last week on Wednesday through Friday we worked on a titration lab. It was one of the more complex labs we have done in the year and I missed it because I was on a field trip. So basically, we titrated KHP with NaOH. We used the mass of KHP and the volume of NaOH to calculate the molarity of the NaOH using the volume needed to titrate the solution. Since I was gone, I used another groups data which had 0.1930 as the Molarity of the solution. Part two of the lab consisted of us titrating acetic acid with the NaOH we had. Since we now know the molarity all we needed was to know was the volume of NaOH is needed to titrate the vinegar. The group's calculations came out to about 0.2318M for the Acetic Acid.

In the end, I do believe it was beneficial to do this lab because it would've helped me understand the unit more. Since I missed it, I am spending my time trying to learn what happened. Luckily we do another lab that is very similar Monday and Tuesday.


  1. Yes, it is unfortunate that you missed the lab, Matt. It was pretty cool to see the titrations happening. Of course, it was also a little risky to do the lab as we were being graded on percent error. In a way, doing a 'dry' lab was beneficial. But it terms of understanding the lesson, doing the lab was necessary.

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