Thursday, December 3, 2015

Chemical Reaction Test

I personally thought the test was tricky.. I did the practice test bank questions and thought those were fairly simple and I understood them. Although, when I started the test the questions were very different and I struggled a little bit. Hoping for the best!


  1. I agree with you, Matt. I walked in with confidence in my eyes. I had my head covered as I walked out of the class. That should explain it all.

  2. I was in the same shoes as you man. I did do the practice tests before hand but they didn't really help prepare me for this test in the slightest to be honest. Hope you did well... good luck!

  3. Yes I agree with you Matt. Many people told me the test was fairly easy, but once I took the actual test, I was stumped by a good number of questions.

  4. I think the nervous face emoji accurately encapsulates the mentality of the class as a whole during the test. Then again, when does this class not make you nervous?
