Thursday, October 29, 2015

Measurement Unit Test

The test wasn't entirely hard but it was tricky. While I was working the worry of: am I doing this right continuously ran through my mind. I'm hoping for the best though! #sigfigs


  1. I agree with you Matt. The sig figs questions were soo confusing that I didn't know what I was doing. I was unsure about pretty much every question on the test. I have a feeling that all our grades are gonna fall after this test... Lets just hope that we do good on future tests.

  2. Matt, I also agree that the test was pretty tricky. One thing that hit me the hardest were the super long dimensional analysis questions that took forever. Agreeing with Varun, I hope the next unit will be better and that we all do good.

  3. I agree that the test wasn't incredibly hard, but it did have a few tricky questions. Particularly the significant number questions were confusing. I get the rules with adding and multiplying mixed up very easily, and that makes those questions pretty difficult.
