Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Forensic Archaeology Lab

Today in class we made excel graphs depicting how radioactive elements decay over time. The entire lab was an overview of half-lives. We cut up 567 tiny paper squares and pretended that they were atoms. We jumbled them up and poured the out and the papers that had the colored side faced up were considered to be a decayed atom! We would remove them and redo the process! It was a very tedious lab, although it did help me get a full understanding of half-lives!

Heres a link that helped me undestand!  http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/nuclear/halfli.html


  1. I agree with Matt that this lab helped me learn a full understanding of half-lives, and I also agree that the lab was very tedious in its process.

  2. I agree with Matt that this lab helped me learn a full understanding of half-lives, and I also agree that the lab was very tedious in its process.

  3. I agree with the time consuming manner of the lab and that it really did give a full understanding of half lives. This lab helped me and probably you in grasping all the necessary material on the test.
