Monday, November 2, 2015

Chemical Composition Pre-Test

So this is what I expected the pre-test to be like.. I heard the next unit is incredibly hard and the pre test says it all. I would be lucky to get 5 of those right off of guessing... Looks like this unit it about to be a grind.


  1. I also found this pre-test to be a big question mark. I knew just about nothing. which is odd because usually I have somewhat of a prior knowledge. This test there was none of that. And I too know now that this unit will be very hard.

  2. I, like just about everyone else in the class, are in the same boat as you. Mrs Frankenberg even explained that we would be lucky to get even two right. But after honing down and studying hard, doing the practice exams, taking good notes, following in the book I think I have a better chance in the next test.

  3. I completely agree that the pre-test was very hard. I'm pretty sure that I only got a 37% on it, but it made a lot more sense after the lectures and labs. Also, I like the baby picture! :)
