Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning

Purple Cone Flower
Tall Grass Prairie and Eastern Deciduous Forest

Genus and Species:   Echinacea purpurea

Habitat: open woods, thickets, cultivated in gardens

Seasons: June to September

Active Chemical Ingredient:  Alkylamides

Chemical Structure:

Uses of Specimen: 
    • helps infection
    • wounds and sores
    • malaria (tea)
    • sore throat (tea)
    • rattlesnake bite (tincture)
    • rope burn (tincture)
    • burns from oil
    • toothache (tea)
    • sunburn (tincture)
    • food poisoning (tea)

Tall Grass Prairie and Eastern Deciduous Forest

Genus and Species:   Vernonia baldwinii

Habitat: richg woods

Seasons: July to October

Active Chemical Ingredient:  Linoleic-acid

Chemical Structure:

Uses of Specimen: 

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Food Poisoning
  • All tea.


   Foster, Steven, (2014). Eastern/Central Medicinal Plants and Herbs. Boston/New York: Houghton Mifflin

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