Deep Puncture Wound

Deep Puncture Wound

Solomon's Seal
Eastern Deciduous Forest

Genus and Species:  Polygonatum biflorum

Habitat: Found mostly around forest areas and waste lands. Rich woods

Seasons: May- June

Active Chemical Ingredient:  allantoin

Chemical Structure:
 Skeletal formula of allantoin

Uses of Specimen: 

  • mild tonic
  • tea to treat disease of breast or lung
  • profuse menstruation
  • dysentery
  •  sleep aid

Deep Puncture Wound

Tall Grass Prairie

Genus and Species:  Erigeron bellidiastrum

Habitat: Found in many prairies and open fields

Seasons: April- July

Active Chemical Ingredient:  apigenin

Chemical Structure:

Uses of Specimen: 
  • Digestive ailments
  • bronchitis
  • slow bleeding
  • keep away insects

   Foster, Steven, (2014). Eastern/Central Medicinal Plants and Herbs. Boston/New York: Houghton Mifflin

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